Sunday, February 21, 2010

time to rethink things.

stop the presses.  twenty ten has come to a screeching halt.

the first month and a half were just amazingly fun.  but i feel like after having a small dose of what my real job has become and a dose of life back in arizona, coming back to it all has become a little bit lack luster.

i expected too much, too fast.  yes, life is good.  but i expected more to come out of certain situations and instead i have fallen into the same pattern i have come to know all to well.

the only answer: endorphins. =)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

tomorrow i am making a visit to my old life.

i am excited as much as i am nervous.
and i am already homesick for san diego.

glad to know i made the right choice. =)