Wednesday, January 6, 2010

blast from the past.

found my old blogs from high school and my first two years of college.

funny how my closest friendships have changed so much.  made me kind of sad to be quite honest.  but even funnier how i knew even then who i was supposed to be friends with.  i regret not putting enough effort into those friendships i cherish SO much now; luckily fate played out perfectly.  if it weren't for the girls i literally said "i was destined to be friends with", i don't think i could handle being back in SD today. proof even more God has a great plan.

and i loved even more reading everything i was going through. i think coming back to SD was inevitable... pretty sure i was homesick about 75% of the time i was in arizona.

my favorite though was a post saying that i wanted "a whole new world" from aladdin to play at my wedding.  obviously haven't changed too much, because i still think that would be pretty awesome.

i want to make sure i always know where these memoirs are; i can't imagine how much fun it will be to read them years from now.

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