Monday, January 11, 2010


Sometimes I feel like there are certain things I should not do now because I am not in college anymore and should therefore be a "grown up". But I am only 22 years old. Most people my age still have YEARS left in college, so why is that just because I started school younger that I should have to grow up faster?

Why do I feel guilty for being 22 and partying in college bars? I mean it is with people who are my age AND they are in college still, so I think that counts. And why do I feel like I'm not allowed to have a meaningless relationship? Where is it written that I have to settle down any time soon? And what is it that makes me think that every guy I get involved with has to have the makings of "the one"? I'm still young; I'm still going to make mistakes and have a blast while figuring it all out.

Another new year goal: stop making everything so serious. I am still so young and I have a lot of growing up to do; might as well have fun while doing it. =)

I'm not saying I'm going to go back to my college lifestyle of going out every night. But I am going to stop beating myself up over living at home and working in a restaurant. At least I have a fun job with fun people and great parents who are okay with letting me take a little bit longer to find myself.

I'm gonna be amazing; just you wait and see.

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