Friday, January 1, 2010

hello 2010.

just about an hour ago, a new year began.

and even though i am sitting alone in my childhood room at the moment, i am content with where i am in life, given the circumstances. although i would love to not be sitting at home, and if i were to be, i would like it to be my own home with the love of my life, but that's not the way the cards played out.

i think only so much good can happen in a year. and 2009 was more than amazing for me. my family grew in two amazing ways: my sister married an amazing man and introduced us to his family and my brother and his wife brought a new life into the world. and on my own list of accomplishments, i graduated and i finally made the move back to san diego. i have been blessed with amazing friends that have proven themselves to be everything true friends are defined to be. oh, and i got a new car!!

and lucky for me, nothing too tragic happened to me in 2009. everything that i thought was the end of my existence made me grow in more ways i could ever imagine. i had my moments of tears, moments of questioning all the decisions i made, moments of disbelief and moments of being let down. overall though, those moments turned around to be moments of self realization.

now i'm starting 2010 on the right foot. i do not want to make expectations for the year and get myself excited for all the possibilities of what could unfold. God has a plan for me, and so far i am happy with the way things have turned out... so i think it's best to continue in that fashion. if i stay as happy as i am now throughout the rest of the year, that is enough for me.

i honestly think that new years eve and resolutions are all together some of the silliest traditions ever, but regardless one of my new years resolutions is to celebrate new years eve 2011 like a normal person, i.e. get out of restaurants. after the past two years of barely making midnight with my friends, i would want nothing more than enjoying the entire night of festivities on the town.

i foresee a lot of changes in my life in the coming year. i plan to embrace it completely.

good bye 2009; hello 2010!!!

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