Sunday, January 3, 2010

new year, new goals.

i hate that with the beginning of the new year there is so much pressure to resolve to do things differently. and i hate even more that if you don't write these things down it's harder to make them into a reality. so here we go... i'm not calling them resolutions because it's nothing new, just things to focus on. on 12.31.10, i want to look back and be as proud as i was this year. i mean this past year, and decade for that matter, was full of milestones in my life. although i see 2010 as being less momentous, i want to make the year worth it.

1 - save money... $500 or more per month to be exact. i mean seriously, i live at home therefore it's like paying myself mini rent which will end up paying off big time in 2011.

2 - get a new wardrobe... not because i am shallow or narcissistic, but because cute clothes actually make me feel better about myself. and not to mention, i need my appearance to mature with me... done with college, out with its wardrobe.

3 - get skinny... haha. mainly so the said wardrobe looks cute. =P

4 - be healthy... meaning go to the gym, be active, watch what i am putting into my body and cut back on drinking.

5 - act positively... in my own life and hope to influence the people around me in a positive way. this past year was the happiest i can remember, i want that feeling to stick around.

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