Saturday, January 9, 2010

i'm your biggest fan.

simply stated, social media is taking over society.  and as immersed in it as i obviously am, i sometimes stop and wonder a few things.

like, are people's lives really as good as they make it sound? or bad for that matter? sometimes i think people are starving for attention and therefore want to portray their lives as "perfection" as if others will really be jealous or on the other end, focus on a negative for the pity points.

and when do you allow yourself to be friends or fellow followers? on facebook in particular, i only allow people i actually know in a real physical sense to be my friend.  but at what point in the what i call "real life" relationship are you allowed to push that "add as friend" button?  does it come off as stalker if you go out in pursuit of the person only to make the cyber world know of your connection?

don't get me wrong, i love it all just as much as any other generation y kiddo.  i'm just wondering when "social media etiquette" will become as instilled as table manners.

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